First Aid Seminar

First Aid Seminar 2023

On Thursday, September 14 and for the 2nd consecutive year KSA Industrial Automation secured a free first aid seminar for its employees, from which they gained useful and practical knowledge for application in the workplace, in the family environment or in emergency circumstances of everyday life.

Mr. Panagiotis Patsaouras (General Surgeon – Intensivist at the ICU of G.N. “Asklipieio” Voulas, member and First Aid Instructor at RSF Hellas, the Hellenic Association of Emergency Prehospital Care (EEEPF) and the Humanitarian Organization Kids Save Lives) was the speaker of the seminar, which was held in 2 parts: a short,  presentation for the employees who had attended it last year and a detailed, 3-hour presentation, for the new employees who were added to the company’s workforce in recent months.

The participants received detailed instructions and were fully informed about examples of incidents in which they could make a decisive contribution using first aid such as cases of seizure (adults/children), epilepsy, trauma, suffocation, and other common pathological situations that we encounter in our daily life.

At the same time, they had the opportunity to perform chest compressions on mannequins/dummies in real-time, to experience the procedure to be followed in corresponding emergency cases, while they were informed about using an external automatic defibrillator when it is available.